Adolescent to Adult
My Journey From Adolescent- to Adult-Oriented HIV Care

Released: October 25, 2023

Anonymous Patient
Anonymous Patient,


Course Completed
Key Takeaways
  • A warm handoff can be key for a successful transition from adolescent to adult HIV care.
  • Every person’s transition to adult HIV care will be different, and one of the most helpful things that healthcare professionals can do for their patients during the transition is listen and get to know them.

For me, making the transition from adolescent to adult care was scary at first because I’d seen my prior healthcare professional (HCP) and the clinic staff since I was a child. At first I didn’t trust my adult HCP because I was so used to my previous HCP, but once I got to know her better, it was like she had known me my whole life. Fortunately, there were meetings that occurred between me, my adolescent HCP, and my adult HCP, which helped with the transition. This is called a “warm handoff,” when the healthcare team and the person or their family are involved in the discussions as the person transitions their care. 

Similarities and Differences
When I first transitioned to adult HIV care, my adult HCP was in the same building, which was convenient. Also, by having my adult clinic colocated with my adolescent clinic, I was able to keep my social worker and all of the same clinic resources.
One big difference was that despite being in the same location, my adult HCP was available for appointments on Wednesdays only. When I was in the adolescent clinic, I had a lot more flexibility with which days of the week I could be scheduled for an appointment. 

Another Transition
Unfortunately, after I had transitioned to the adult HIV clinic, my adult HCP moved to another clinic. I was put in a difficult position: transfer clinics so that I could continue care with the adult HCP whom I liked, or stay at the same clinic so that I could keep my social worker and other resources but establish care with a new HCP? Because I wanted to keep the resources that I’d had my whole life, I chose to stay with the clinic.

Medication Continuity Interruptions
I experienced some difficulty with being able to contact my new HCP for medical appointments, prescription refills, and other questions that I had. It was scary because I would be running out of medications and could not get in contact with my new HCP. I ended up searching online for my previous adult HIV HCP and was able to reconnect with her. Even though her appointments were booked out months into the future, she called me immediately and got me in to see her within the month.

Health Insurance Transition
Insurance can be a challenge as you transition from adolescent to adult care. Fortunately, I was able to navigate how to apply for health insurance as I aged out of adolescent care. I was able to figure out which insurance companies would cover which services and medications, and I figured out where I could pick up my medications.

Figuring out your health insurance is part of becoming an adult, but not everyone has the means or the skills to do this, which is why clinic support staff can be so helpful in situations like these.

Advice for HCPs Caring for Youths Transitioning to Adult HIV Care
My biggest advice to HCPs who are caring for youths living with HIV who are transitioning to adult HIV care is to listen. Hear what the patient has to say and don’t assume anything. Listening will help you build a bond with your new patient, and that relationship is key for establishing trust.

Your Thoughts?
How do you assist your patients in transitioning from adolescent- to adult-oriented HIV care? Join the conversation by posting a comment.