Medical Challenges in Older PWH
Piecing the Puzzle Together: Addressing Medical Challenges in Older PWH

Released: August 25, 2022

Expiration: August 24, 2023


Course Completed

In this podcast, Jonathan Appelbaum, MD, FACP, AAHIVS, summarizes the many medical challenges faced by aging people with HIV, including:

  • Underrepresentation of older patients in medical research
  • Consequences of early experiences in the epidemic such as late HIV diagnosis and low CD4+ cell count nadir, incomplete or short-lived virologic suppression with early regimens, and toxicity associated with early antiretroviral agents
  • Added challenges of multimorbidity and psychosocial challenges, especially mental health issues, loneliness, and social isolation
  • The need to provide care for the aging HIV population using a holistic approach
  • Gaps in the current healthcare system in providing optimal care for aging people with HIV