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My Thoughts on First-line Treatment for ALK-Positive NSCLC Today

Clinical Thought
How do the latest reported findings from ALTA-1L affect our decisions in first-line ALK-positive NSCLC?

Released: October 24, 2018


Provided by

Jointly provided by the Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower and Clinical Care Options, LLC
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This activity is supported by educational grants from


Bristol Myers Squibb

Celgene TEXT Only

Genentech TEXT Only


Merck Oncology

Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation

Takeda Oncology

Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

Matthew Gubens, MD, MS

Associate Professor
Thoracic Oncology
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California

Matthew Gubens, MD, MS, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from AstraZeneca, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Genentech/Roche and funds for research support from Celgene, Merck, Novartis, OncoMed, and Roche.