ProCE Banner Activity

Contemporary Management of mCRC: How Experts Select Optimal Therapeutic Strategies

Clinical Thought
In this commentary, I provide my thoughts on the management of select patient cases and examine treatment choices made for these cases by 5 experts in CCO’s Interactive Decision Support Tool.

Released: October 31, 2019

Expiration: October 29, 2020


Provided by

Provided by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine
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Supported by educational grants from

Amgen, Inc.

Bayer Healthcare Pharma

Taiho Oncology Inc



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Faculty Disclosure

Primary Author

E. Scott Kopetz, MD, PhD, FACP

Assistant Professor
Department of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas

Scott Kopetz, MD, PhD, FACP, has disclosed that he has received consulting fees from Amal, Amgen, Biocartis, EMD Serono, Genentech, Holy Stone, Karyopharm, Merck, Navire, Novartis, Roche, and Symphogen and has ownership interest (less than 5%) in MolecularMatch and Navire.