Optimizing Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor/Targeted Therapy Combination Adverse Event Management

Get personalized guidance on managing immune-related AEs for your patients with our newly updated Interactive Decision Support Tool adapted from the latest NCCN guidelines. Then, gain multidisciplinary insights into managing toxicities from ICI/targeted therapy combination regimens with an expert text module and downloadable slides.


Program Content


AEs With ICI/Targeted Tx
Expert Strategies for Managing Adverse Events With Combination Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor/Targeted Therapy
Text Module
Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

Released: May 25, 2023

Expires: May 24, 2024


AEs With Combo ICI Tx
Managing Adverse Events With Combination Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor/Targeted Therapy
Congratulations: You achieved a completion on 04/09/2022

Released: May 19, 2023


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Eric Jonasch, MD

Professor, Department of GU Medical Oncology
UT MD Anderson Cancer Center 
Houston, Texas

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Kathleen N Moore, MD, MS

Virginia Kerley Cade Chair in Developmental Therapeutics
Deputy Director
Cancer Therapeutics Co-Director
Stephenson Cancer Center at the University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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Provided by Clinical Care Options, LLC.


Supported by educational grants from AstraZeneca, Eisai, Merck Sharp & Dohme LLC, and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.



Merck Sharp & Dohme, LLC

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc